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Big Break Software Podcast

Apr 27, 2021

Aaron Ross of Predictive Revenue talks about his startup adventures, being an author, and an entrepreneur. Listen to the podcast to get the best outbound marketing tips. 

While many people call it an outdated strategy, outbound marketing remains a popular form of persuasive communication for approaching customers....

Apr 21, 2021

Colin Gray, CEO, and founder of Alitu, talks about launching his startup and combining it with SaaS to hit $60,000 MRR. Listen to the podcast and grasp the lessons. 

The popularity of podcasting has been growing rapidly in recent years. Whether you are currently a podcaster or planning to become one, will...

Apr 13, 2021

Na'ím Anís Paymán of Zeevou talks to Geordie about discovering the Zeevou idea, developing software successfully with zero experience, and funding the MVP.  

Na'ím Anís Paymán is the founder and CEO of Zeevou, a customer relationship management platform. Zeevou allows entrepreneurs and managers in the...

Apr 6, 2021

Alex Zerbach, co-founder of, tells Geordie about founding the platform's idea, building the MVP, and growing from 0-800,000 MRR. Listen for more details.

Carrot is a SaaS platform that streamlines property websites' development to help clients manage investor's assets. While Alex and his team deal with larger...