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Big Break Software Podcast

Mar 30, 2021

George Carollo of tells Geordie how he founded the platform, built the MVP, and built their MRR from 40 to 400k in 9 months amid the pandemic. Listen and learn.

George Carollo is the co-founder of Dover, the inaugural end-to-end Y Combinator-based recruiting platform that helps enterprises recruit top-tier...

Mar 23, 2021

Manuel Hartmann tells Geordie how and why he founded Salesplaybook. Listen to the podcast and learn different methods of initiating your 0-10k MRR sales journey.

Manuel Hartmann is the founder of the Sales Playbook. The platform provides a sales accelerator to B2B tech startup founders and salespeople unhappy with their...

Mar 16, 2021

Cory McKane of WeStrive tells Geordie how the platform was born, acquiring funds for the MVP, and navigating challenges to develop one of the most popular fitness apps.

What You’ll Learn

  • What was Cory’s original idea?
  • How Cory hired his development team 
  • What advice does Cory have for aspiring entrepreneurs?
  • Why...

Mar 9, 2021

Dmitry Dragilev of JustReachOut talks to Geordie about leaving the corporate world and how he helps different businesses during their 30,000 MRR journey.

Dmitry Dragilev is the founder of The platform helps entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses pitch and acquire press coverage from influencers...

Mar 2, 2021

Lindy Ledohowski of Essay Jack talks to Geordie about coming up with her company’s idea, building the MVP, and navigating challenges during her MRR journey. 

Lindy Ledohowski is the CEO and founder of Essay Jack, a fast-growing SaaS company that teaches learners how to improve their writing skills. She talks to...